Get your hands on the latest Motorola Edge 2022 smartphone in Mineral Gray. With an octa-core processor and 6.7-inch OLED display, this phone boasts an impressive Snapdragon 765G chipset, 128 GB storage capacity, and 6 GB RAM. Capture stunning photos and videos with the triple rear camera featuring 64 MP, 16 MP, and 8.0 MP lenses, as well as a 25.0 MP front-facing camera. Stay connected on T-Mobile, AT&T, or any other network with the factory unlocked Motorola Edge 2022. Enjoy fast charging, NFC connectivity, and Bluetooth capabilities, along with other features like GPS, Wi-Fi, and 5G connectivity. This phone is packed with features to enhance your mobile experience, making it the perfect choice for anyone in need of a new smartphone. This phone was brand new and got run over by a trailer and is slightly bent. The screen is fine, and everything seems to work like it should. Comes with original packaging.